Unidentified T-series tactical droid (Malastare)

This T-series tactical droid served in the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars. In 22 BBY, he was the commander for the CIS army on Malastare, in which he led his droid forces on the verge of conquering the planet. However, he was destroyed when the Galactic Republic forces dropped the electro-proton bomb, which deactivated all of the droid units.

This tactical droid was voiced by Matthew Wood.

In a reference to the Godzilla films, the symbol on the droid's chest resembles the Oxygen Destroyer that was used to kill Godzilla in the original 1954 film.

Behind the scenes

This tactical droid was voiced by Matthew Wood.

In a reference to the Godzilla films, the symbol on the droid's chest resembles the Oxygen Destroyer that was used to kill Godzilla in the original 1954 film.



