Unidentified T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid (Corellia)

A T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid served the droid army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. After the end of the war and the formation of the Galactic Empire, the Separatist battle droids were decommissioned, and the rogue clone squad Clone Force 99, as well as sisters Trace and Rafa Martez, both attempted to retrieve the T-series tactical droid for its intelligence before it was destroyed at a facility on the planet Corellia. The two groups briefly competed to secure the droid's detached head, but eventually worked together against the facility's police droids, reactivating the tactical droid to set the battle droids against their opponents. The tactical droid's head was destroyed during the skirmish, but the clones' leader, Hunter, ultimately gave a data rod containing its intelligence to the Martez sisters in order to fight the Empire.

Decommissioned droids

A T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid produced by Baktoid Combat Automata served the droid army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems toward the end of the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. In 19 BBY, the Clone Wars ended with the Separatists' defeat and the Republic's reformation into the Galactic Empire. With the end of the war, the Separatist battle droids were decommissioned, and the tactical droid was set to be destroyed at a decommissioning facility on the planet Corellia in that same year.

The droid was to be saved from its fate, however; with the Republic's clone troopers now serving the Empire, the intelligence tactical droids possessed regarding how to defeat them became valuable. Two parties sought to retrieve a tactical droid from Corellia before the Separatist droids were destroyed: Clone Force 99, a squad of rogue clone commandos operating as mercenaries for the information broker Ciddarin Scaleback; and Trace and Rafa Martez, sisters working on behalf of former Clone Captain Rex, who wished to use the droid's data to resist the Empire.

In the facility, the tactical droid—partially disassembled, with its head detached but intact—was off-loaded onto the north end conveyor and sent on its way to be melted down. By the time that Clone Force 99 entered the facility, the tactical droid was the last such droid remaining, the others of its model already having been destroyed. After the clone Omega had located the droid, Trace retrieved its head and ran, encountering the troopers Echo and Tech as well as the squad's leader, Hunter. The intruders were soon discovered by the workers, who locked down the facility and dispatched Imperial Police Droids.

Unexpected allies

As the clones fended off the droids, Trace fled with the droid's head and threw it to Rafa, who dropped it onto a conveyor after colliding with a police droid. Both Trace and Omega raced to retrieve it, with the latter reaching the droid's head first and running off with it. However, when the facility was rebooted by the clone Wrecker and the conveyors began to move, Omega tripped and dropped the head, with Trace stealing it back. Trace soon returned to help save Omega, who had become trapped on the conveyor.

The tactical droid was reactivated by Trace Martez and Tech in order to command the Separatist battle droids to fight for them.

The tactical droid was reactivated by Trace Martez and Tech in order to command the Separatist battle droids to fight for them.

The two groups decided to put aside the fight for the tactical droid and work together to escape the facility. Wishing for a diversion, Trace intended to reprogram the tactical droid to command the deactivated Separatist droids. When Omega activated the droid, however, it was unable to transmit and powered down. Tech assisted by boosting the signal, also attaching a data rod to download the droid's intelligence, and the tactical droid reactivated. Following Trace's order, the tactical droid commanded the battle droids to target the police droids. With their adversaries distracted, the clones and the Martez sisters made their escape; however, the tactical droid's head was shot out of Trace's hands by the police droids and destroyed.


Hunter gave the data rod containing the tactical droid's intelligence to Rafa Martez.

Hunter gave the data rod containing the tactical droid's intelligence to Rafa Martez.

After escaping the facility, Trace lamented having failed their mission, while Rafa criticized the clones for not knowing who Scaleback had intended to give the information from the tactical droid to. After Trace explained that their contact intended to use the information to fight the Empire, Hunter eventually provided the data rod with the droid's intelligence to Rafa, believing they would use it for the correct reason.

Rafa later informed Rex that they had successfully acquired the droid's data as well as the rogue clones' assistance, while Scaleback was unhappy with her mercenaries' failure. When the clones protested their debt to Scaleback, she commented that retrieving the tactical droid would have been enough to make them even.


The T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, like others of its model, was part of the operational brains of the Separatist military, learning from experience in battle. It possessed the ability to command other Separatist battle droids. The tactical droid possessed yellow photoreceptors and plating colored blue and gray, standing at a height of 1.93 meters. The droid primarily used the pronouns "it" and "its," but also the pronoun "he."

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the tactical droid by Stev Carey

Concept art of the tactical droid by Stev Carey

The tactical droid appeared, albeit unidentified, in "Decommissioned," the sixth episode of the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batchs first season, released on Disney+ on June 4, 2021. The droid was voiced by Liam O'Brien. Two pieces of concept art for the tactical droid were created by Stev Carey and dated to September 9, 2019—one featuring the droid entirely intact with a removable head and one of the droid's head after suffering damage.







