Unidentified Shadow Guard (Death Star I)

At some point, he became a member of the Emperor's Shadow Guard, an elite subdivision of the Emperor's Royal Guard. In 2 BBY, he was stationed aboard the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station with orders from Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. When Galen Marek, the former secret apprentice of Darth Vader, stormed the battle station to rescue the captured Rebel leaders, he proceeded to mow down the garrison of stormtroopers, Imperial heavy troopers, Imperial jumptroopers, and Imperial medics. Upon reaching the entrance to the observation dome, the Shadow Guard personally confronted the Jedi alongside four Royal Guardsmen, also sealing the door to the throne room. The two engaged in a duel. Marek won, and proceeded to snap his neck.

As a Shadow Guard, he was proficient with a lightsaber pike, using it in the duel. The guardsmen also was able to use the Force to some extent, producing purple Force lightning and able to Force choke. In the end, his skills were no match for that of Marek's.


At some point, he became a member of the Emperor's Shadow Guard, an elite subdivision of the Emperor's Royal Guard. In 2 BBY, he was stationed aboard the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station with orders from Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. When Galen Marek, the former secret apprentice of Darth Vader, stormed the battle station to rescue the captured Rebel leaders, he proceeded to mow down the garrison of stormtroopers, Imperial heavy troopers, Imperial jumptroopers, and Imperial medics. Upon reaching the entrance to the observation dome, the Shadow Guard personally confronted the Jedi alongside four Royal Guardsmen, also sealing the door to the throne room. The two engaged in a duel. Marek won, and proceeded to snap his neck.

Powers and abilities

As a Shadow Guard, he was proficient with a lightsaber pike, using it in the duel. The guardsmen also was able to use the Force to some extent, producing purple Force lightning and able to Force choke. In the end, his skills were no match for that of Marek's.



