Unidentified Rodian patron

A Rodian patron visited the gambling den Raik's Parlor on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant in 382 BBY. He played rounds of roulette with other customers, including Axel Greylark—the son of the Republic Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark—and a Mirialan woman. The patron lost a lot of money in the games and left the establishment after its owner, the Utai Raik, informed him he did not have enough for another buy-in.


While at Raik's Parlor, the Rodian played roulette with Axel Greylark.

While at Raik's Parlor, the Rodian played roulette with Axel Greylark.

A Rodian lived during the High Republic Era and was married to his husband. While on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant in 382 BBY, he visited the gambling den Raik's Parlor in the world's lower levels. Once there, he played rounds of roulette with four of the establishment's other patrons, losing a lot of money and becoming inebriated. Eventually, he became acquainted with two of those present: Axel Greylark, the son of the Republic Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark, and a Mirialan woman. By the time Axel won one round of the game—after having lost for most of the night—the Rodian stayed at the table as other players left and tapped a credit on the table.

The patron watched Axel and the Mirialan flirt for a while, teasing the former that he would not lose as much if he were a Jedi. However, after growing impatient with the conversation, he asked the pair whether they could continue playing roulette. The establishment's owner—the Utai Raik—kindly informed the Rodian that he did not have enough credits for the buy-in, meaning he was done for the night. The Rodian abruptly left the establishment while muttering in the Rodian language, grumbling about his husband killing him. From Axel's place at the table, he recognized only some parts of what was said in the alien language but considered that it did not matter as the patron was leaving regardless.

Personality and traits

The Rodian was married to his husband, whom he worried would be angry at him for losing a lot of money in roulette games. He found Axel and the Mirialan's conversation amusing but complained about them not starting another round in a way that the former thought was sniveling. He had orange skin and spoke both Galactic Basic and the Rodian language.


While at Raik's Parlor, the Rodian carried credits with him, one of which he tapped on the roulette table he was playing at.

Behind the scenes

The Rodian appeared in Convergence, a 2022 novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.






