Unidentified RX-Series pilot droid (Garel)


This RX-Series pilot droid flew a GX1 short hauler during the Age of the Empire. During a routine trip to Garel City Spaceport, he transported the GNK-series power droid EG-86, who was carrying secret intelligence for the rebellion. EG-86 was picked up by several crew members of the Ghost rebel cell: Sabine Wren, the astromech droid Chopper, and Ezra Bridger. However, the rebels quickly came under attack from the bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo and a stormtrooper patrol.

During the fighting, the rebels boarded the pilot droid's hauler and he was switched off by Chopper after he protested the hijacking. The rebels then fled into space but were attacked by Ketsu's starship Shadow Caster and sustained considerable damage. The arrival of an Imperial Arquitens-class light cruiser forced the remaining rebels and Ketsu to work together. After rigging the shuttle with explosives, Sabine reactivated the pilot droid and instructed it to make an emergency protocol. The droid began powering the ship while Sabine and her companions undocked the Shadow Caster from the shuttle and escaped into space. Shortly later, the pilot droid and his shuttle were destroyed by the explosives, which also caused significant damage to the Imperial light cruiser.

Behind the scenes

The RX-Series pilot droid was voiced by Stephen Stanton in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Blood Sisters."




