Unidentified Oseon system asteroid

A small asteroid was located in the Oseon system in the Outer Rim Territories' Centrality sector. The floating metal-rich rock was situated in an irregular cluster of asteroids and had a deep and narrow crevasse that stretched around its circumference, which was unique enough to merit the asteroid's inclusion in a catalog of the Oseon system's orbital bodies. When the light freighter Millennium Falcon was traveling through the Oseon system during the Flamewind phenomenon, an attack by the starfighter squadron of the Renatasian Confederation forced the Falcons captain, Lando Calrissian, to hide the vessel in the unusual asteroid's crevasse.

While on the asteroid, the occupants of the Falcon made repairs to the starship, using to their benefit the fact that the celestial object was shielding them from the ionizing radiation of the Flamewind. During the vessel's stay on the asteroid, one of its passengers, Waywa Fybot, also attempted to kill Calrissian by sabotaging his vacuum suit. Ultimately, Calrissian used the Falcons deflector shields to cause the asteroid to burst apart, damaging the Renatasian squadron that was still searching for the ship and allowing the vessel to resume its voyage through the Oseon system.

Astrographical data

The asteroid was a part of the Oseon system.

The asteroid was a part of the Oseon system.

An asteroid was situated in the Oseon system, a part of the Centrality sector in the Slice portion of the Outer Rim Territories. Along with the rest of the Oseon system, the asteroid was connected by the Falko Run hyperlane to the Arleen system, while the hyperspace route known as the Cadma Conduit linked it to the Erilnar system and the Cadma sector's Dagelin Minor and Simbarc systems.

The asteroid was part of a small cluster of approximately a hundred worldlets that were following their own course through the narrow space between the Fifth and Sixth Belt, two of the seven broad bands of subplanetary bodies that circled the star system's sun. The asteroids of the cluster were located very close to each other, and none were larger than a few kilometers in diameter.

Physical traits

The airless, uninhabited asteroid had negligible gravitational pull and was mostly composed of metal-bearing rock. When the light freighter Millennium Falcon, piloted by its captain, Lando Calrissian, sought refuge on the asteroid, its substance partially shielded the starship's navigational and sensor equipment from the effects of the Flamewind phenomenon ongoing at the time, leading Calrissian to speculate that the asteroid was composed of iron and nickel.

The asteroid had a deep crevasse that had formed either as a result of an incomplete splitting of a single celestial body into two halves or due to a collision and a subsequent imperfect merger of two separate objects. The crevasse did not exceed twenty meters in width and stretched around the asteroid's circumference at a length of seventy or eighty kilometers.

Encountering the asteroid

Vuffi Raa, the Renatasian Confederation's pursuit of which led the Millennium Falcon to hide on the asteroid

Vuffi Raa, the Renatasian Confederation's pursuit of which led the Millennium Falcon to hide on the asteroid

The unusual shape of the asteroid led to it being registered at some point in a catalog listing the orbital bodies of the Oseon system, with the document noting the asteroid's catalog number as well as several of its other characteristics such as its orbital elements. At some point between 3 BBY and 2 BBY, while the light freighter Millennium Falcon was transporting Oseon Peacekeeper Captain Bassi Vobah and undercover Imperial narcotics agent Waywa Fybot between the asteroids Oseon 6845 and Oseon 5792, the vessel came under an attack by the Renatasian Confederation—a group devoted to exacting vengeance upon Vuffi Raa, the droid copilot of the Falcon, whom it wrongfully held responsible for the subjugation of the Renatasia system by the Galactic Empire.

During the ensuing skirmish between the Falcon and the Renatasian starfighter squadron, the former starship's captain, Lando Calrissian, was forced to deviate from his vessel's pre-programmed course toward Oseon 5792 that had been mandated by the ship's navigational and sensor instruments being affected by the Oseon system's ongoing annual Flamewind phenomenon. Noticing the asteroid cluster that contained the double asteroid with the assistance of the Falcons compromised sensor equipment, Calrissian piloted the ship straight through the formation until he first saw the unusual celestial body. The captain established a tangent course toward the double asteroid, correctly orienting the Falcon by standing the vessel on its nose and steering the ship toward the asteroid's prominent crevasse. At the last possible moment during the approach, Calrissian gently brought the Falcon to a stop deep within the crack, with the ship's upper and lower hull sections being wedged against the faces of the canyon.


The Millennium Falcon at the time of its visit of the asteroid

The Millennium Falcon at the time of its visit of the asteroid

The Renatasian Confederation, which had pursued the Falcon, did not notice the spot where the ship had hidden itself and began circling the double asteroid and searching the crevasse for its quarry. Meanwhile, Calrissian noticed that the asteroid's crevasse, which ran perpendicular to the direction of the Flamewind, was partially shielding the Falcon from the stream of radiation caused by the phenomenon. The captain subsequently invited Vuffi Raa, who had also been affected by the flux of ionizing particles, to quit his refuge in the steel safe of the ship's cockpit and helped the droid to reattach his previously disconnected manipulator tentacles.

Calrissian then checked on his passengers, Vobah and Fybot, in the Falcons lounge, which had suffered the effects of the ship performing intense maneuvers with both its artificial gravity and inertial dampers turned off during the skirmish against the Renatasian starfighters. Calrissian and Vobah splinted Fybot's legs, which had been broken during that event, after which the ship's crew attended to the damage the vessel had sustained during its voyage and the fight against the Renatasians. During a break from the work, Calrissian and Vobah had a meal from covered free-fall trays in the lounge while Vuffi Raa and Fybot were playing a game of sabacc.

Attempt on Calrissian's life

Later, Calrissian wore a vacuum suit and set about riveting micropoles to the outside of the Falcons top and bottom hull in order to increase the overlap and effective density of the ship's shielding. Assisted by Vuffi Raa, who was monitoring the process from inside the ship, Calrissian eventually became tired of the claustrophobic work in the narrow space between the Falcons lower hull and the face of the asteroid's crevice, and he returned to the ship for a five-minute break. Around the same time, Vuffi Raa also speculated that an offset of merely a few degrees of the direction of the crevasse they were in from the perpendicular to the Flamewind would have led to the natural formation amplifying the detrimental effects of the phenomenon upon the Falcon and its occupants instead of diminishing them.

On the asteroid, an attempt was made on Lando Calrissian's life.

On the asteroid, an attempt was made on Lando Calrissian's life.

In order to visit the ship's toilet, Calrissian removed his vacuum suit. Meanwhile, Fybot believed that Calrissian had become a liability to his and Vobah's mission to arrest the trillionaire Bohhuah Mutdah on Oseon 5792 due to the Falcons encounter with the Renatasian Confederation; the narcotics agent also felt that disposing of Calrissian would help disrupt Vobah's performance during the arrest attempt on Mutdah, for whom Fybot was secretly working. Correspondingly, the officer sabotaged the captain's suit by crossprogramming its communicator with its cooling system.

After Calrissian set out to fasten the micropoles on the Falcons upper hull, his suit began to undergo a heat-sink overload due to the sabotage. Realizing that he could not raise the ship on his communicator and that he would possibly not be able to return to the vessel's airlock in time due to the suit's malfunction, Calrissian instead established communication with Vuffi Raa by methodically rapping against the wheel—wedged against the asteroid's wall—of the nearby airlock with his riveting gun. Vobah, wearing a vacuum suit of her own, then went after Calrissian and brought the overheated captain back into the ship, whereupon Vuffi Raa determined that Calrissian's suit had been sabotaged.

Departing the asteroid

The recuperated Calrissian then had another meal, after which he and Vuffi Raa made an unsuccessful attempt to discern from the Falcons radiation-damaged navigation computer the double asteroid's exact location in the Oseon system. When the droid informed Calrissian of his similarly useless knowledge about the asteroid from the system's astronomical catalog, the captain decided they would simply follow the pre-programmed course to Oseon 5792 as if they had not deviated from it due to the skirmish against the Renatasians, and then attempt to correct for the error as they arrived closer to the target asteroid.

Lando Calrissian, the asteroid's destroyer

Lando Calrissian, the asteroid's destroyer

When Calrissian was later discussing with Vobah and Fybot his suspicions that one of them had attempted to kill him, Vuffi Raa interrupted the conversation by summoning the captain to the ship's bridge, as the Renatasian squadron had arrived in the vicinity of the Falcons hiding place. The recollection of a conversation on diamonds he had had earlier with Vuffi Raa then gave Calrissian an idea for a plan on how to evade the starfighters while leaving the refuge of the asteroid.

As the Renatasian flybys of the crevasse became more frequent due to the squadron narrowing its search, Calrissian began gradually expanding the deflector shields of the Falcon, the main strength of which was normally concentrated just under the first few molecules of the ship's skin, away from the vessel. The shields of the tightly wedged-in ship steadily pushed against the canyon walls until one of the probing Renatasian fighters finally discovered the Falcon. At that moment, Calrissian suddenly increased the shields' distance from the ship to its maximum value, which caused the asteroid to explode due to the stresses exerted upon it. Hurtling rock fragments from the explosion damaged the Renatasian squadron, causing secondary explosions of at least eight starfighters and preventing the unit from attacking the Falcon as the ship subsequently resumed its voyage to Oseon 5792.

Behind the scenes

The asteroid appeared in Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, the 1983 second entry in The Lando Calrissian Adventures trilogy of novels by L. Neil Smith. In the novel, the crevasse located on the asteroid is described as both "seventy or eighty kilometers long" and "hundreds of kilometers in extent." This article assumes the latter description is erroneous.

"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a 1990 roleplaying game source article published in the thirteenth issue of the Voyages SF magazine, placed the Oseon system, and therefore the asteroid, in the Zebitrope sector. Since that article was released outside of the Lucas Licensing process, its canonicity in the Star Wars Legends continuity was never confirmed. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas subsequently overrode the Voyages SF 13 placement by establishing that the Oseon system was situated in grid square T-8 as part of the Centrality.



