Unidentified Ortolan bartender

An Ortolan bartender worked on the planet Dol'har Hyde. She once met the Sullustan smuggler Remy and was not impressed by him unwisely bragging to a roomful of smugglers about one of his finds, which the bartender regarded as a common piece of junk.

When the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra and the smuggler Sana Starros traveled to the planet to search for the source of a Nihil Path engine sold to Beol De'Rruyet by Remy, they spoke with the bartender, who recognized their description of Remy. She informed Aphra and Starros of the details of Remy's sale, pointing the two in the direction of the starship wreckage where Remy had found the alleged hyperdrive. General Vukorah of the Unbroken Clan criminal organization followed the two to Dol'har Hyde, where Vukorah also learned of the Path engine's location. The Unbroken Clan subsequently left the bartender and her patrons dead.






