Unidentified Nihil member

A member of the Nihil pirate organization was present in Bralanak City on Trymant IV during the Emergence and attack there. The pirate was standing guard while a Nihil Spider Cruiser was picking up Tromak of the Elders of the Path alongside another member of the Nihil, when they were approached by Zeen Mrala and Krix Kamerat, members of Tromak's sect. The teens were prevented from progressing further, told that was as far as they would come. The Nihil member stated that this evacuation was not for them, and suggested that the two friends have "good luck" with the ongoing disaster. Tromak, however, insisted that the children be allowed to pass as they were members of his group, causing the pirate to become uncertain as the Gran Elder was the only person they had been sent for.






