Unidentified Neimoidian envoy

A Neimoidian envoy was a male Neimoidian involved in the Trade Federation's blockade of Pantora, being stationed on board the Droid Control Ship orbiting the moon along with Sib Canay.

He and Canay greeted Senator of Pantora Riyo Chuchi and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano in the hangar upon their arrival. In the ambassador's office, the envoy confronted the captain on the kidnapping of Supreme Chairman Notluwiski Papanoida's daughters as well as one of them being kept aboard the ship, which caused the hidden Chuchi to gasp. Though he searched the chamber, Canay found nothing and left with his colleague.

The envoy went to the prison block with a squad Neimoidian soldiers to arrest Tano and Chuchi after they freed Chi Eekway Papanoida, who was one of the Pantoran Assembly Chairman's missing daughter's.

Confronted on the Federation's conspiracy with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, he denied having any involvement in the abduction of the Chairman's daughter, mainly shifting the blame for the kidnapping as well as the act of war-profiteering on Canay. He finally agreed to free Chi Eekway in order to prevent a possible scandal for the Trade Federation and reluctantly agreed to speak with the higher-ups to end the blockade over Pantora.



