Unidentified Neimoidian aide 2

A male Neimoidian from the planet Cato Neimoidia was one of the aides of Baron Merillion Tarko of the Galactic Empire at the Tarko-se Arena in the city of Tarko-se, which was located on the purse world. He had red eyes, green skin, no hair and wore a brown head-dress and tan, decorative clothing.


In 1 BBY, the aide was at the arena when the blind Jedi General Rahm Kota, who had been captured by on a failed raid on the purse world, was being forced to fight a number of gladiators and beasts in Tarko-se Arena for the pleasure of the local Moff, Baron Merillion Tarko. When Starkiller, a clone of Galen Marek, reached Cato Neimoidia in a TIE Advanced x1 to free Kota, the Neimoidian notified Tarko, misidentifying the pilot of the ship as the Lord Darth Vader. The aide was then instructed by the Baron to assemble a squadron of stormtroopers to greet the Dark Lord.

Behind the scenes

This Neimoidian aide first appeared in Sean Williams' novel The Force Unleashed II, published on October 5, 2010. The aide appeared a second time in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, released on October 26 of the same year.









