Unidentified Mourner's Wail Syndicate member

An individual was a member of the Mourner's Wail Syndicate during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the individual was present in a safe house of the Mourner's Wail in the Undercity of the planet Milvayne with two other members of the syndicate when there was a knock on the door. After one of the individuals companions answered the door and asked what the person on the other side wanted, they responded that they had a message though it was not specifically for the individuals present in the safe house, and dropped a thermal detonator through a hole in the door. The resulting explosion blew up the building, and killed the individuals companions.

The attacker, the Crimson Dawn-aligned bounty hunter Dengar, made his way through the door and asked if anyone was alive. The Mourner's Wail member revealed themselves to be alive and asked the bounty hunter if he knew who he had just attacked. Dengar responded that he hoped it was a Mourner's Wail safe house, or it would be embarrassing for him. The individual then threatened Dengar with mention that the Mourner's Wail leader, Lord Khamdek, would respond to the attack, but was interrupted by Dengar who informed them that he wanted to meet with Khamdek or his granddaughter would die. The Mourner's Wail member then asked the attackers name, with Dengar providing his name and added that the individual should inform Khamdek of that too when they reported to their leader about Dengar's request.



