Unidentified Mandalorian super commando 3

This Mandalorian super commando was a member of Death Watch during the time of the Clone Wars and later sided with Darth Maul and his Shadow Collective.

After building up an army of criminals including the Black Sun, Pyke Syndicate, and Hutt Empire, Darth Maul and his army of criminals attacked Sundari so the Death Watch could come in and stop them so they could take control of the planet. After betraying Maul and the locking him away in Sundari prison, Maul escaped and returned to Sundari Royal Palace with his brother Savage Opress and former Mandalorian Prime Minister Almec. Maul slayed the leader of the Death Watch at that time, Pre Vizsla, and took control of the band of warriors. This Mandalorian super commando was one of the many who aligned with Maul after Vizsla's death.

Later, he changed his armor to give it a red design to honor the new leader of the Death Watch. This Mandalorian was stationed at the Sundari prison and was present when Korkie Kryze and and his aunt, Bo-Katan helped Duchess Satine Kryze escape from Sundari prison. He warned his comrades that the Duchess had escaped, and after it he took part in chasing her down.


After building up an army of criminals including the Black Sun, Pyke Syndicate, and Hutt Empire, Darth Maul and his army of criminals attacked Sundari so the Death Watch could come in and stop them so they could take control of the planet. After betraying Maul and the locking him away in Sundari prison, Maul escaped and returned to Sundari Royal Palace with his brother Savage Opress and former Mandalorian Prime Minister Almec. Maul slayed the leader of the Death Watch at that time, Pre Vizsla, and took control of the band of warriors. This Mandalorian super commando was one of the many who aligned with Maul after Vizsla's death.

Later, he changed his armor to give it a red design to honor the new leader of the Death Watch. This Mandalorian was stationed at the Sundari prison and was present when Korkie Kryze and and his aunt, Bo-Katan helped Duchess Satine Kryze escape from Sundari prison. He warned his comrades that the Duchess had escaped, and after it he took part in chasing her down.



