Unidentified Mandalorian clan (Ung Kusp)

A clan of Mandalorians mercenaries loyal to Ung Kusp was hired to recover a Sith artifact stolen by an Outer Rim cyberneticist many centuries before the Clone Wars.

Upon breaching the door of the cyberneticist's facility, the Mandalorians encountered Master Jaing and Durge, enemies of Kusp, and the doctor's associate Nubyl. Benefitting from cybernetic enhancements provided by the doctor, the three defenders inflicted heavy casualties on the clan before being dispatched by the explosion of a thermal detonator.

A clan member retrieved the artifact, mocking and threatening Jaing only to be disemboweled on his horns, dealing Jaing a fatal blaster wound at the same time. An enraged and recovered Durge killed much of the clan in retaliation, swearing vengeance against the Mandalorians. The conflict had in fact been a plot by the doctor to cause a war between the Mandalorians and the Sith.

The clan's members saw Durge as a freakish animal and Jaing as a traitor to Ung Kusp, while Jaing maintained that it was Kusp who had betrayed him.



