Unidentified Karkarodon

This Karkarodon was imprisoned in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center.

This male Karkarodon was imprisoned in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center around 20 BBY. The number on his uniform read "336". When he tried to intimidate Obi-Wan Kenobi (disguised as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen and stated to have killed Kenobi with a sniper rifle) when he went undercover at the prison, Kenobi, not impressed, planted his fork in the Karkarodon's hand and threatened to eat him. After releasing his hand, he distanced himself from the disguised Jedi.


This male Karkarodon was imprisoned in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center around 20 BBY. The number on his uniform read "336". When he tried to intimidate Obi-Wan Kenobi (disguised as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen and stated to have killed Kenobi with a sniper rifle) when he went undercover at the prison, Kenobi, not impressed, planted his fork in the Karkarodon's hand and threatened to eat him. After releasing his hand, he distanced himself from the disguised Jedi.



