Unidentified KX-series security droid (Niamos)

A KX-series security droid model supplemented an Imperial shoretrooper garrison on the planet Niamos. After interacting with two individuals moments prior, it was summoned for assistance by a nearby trooper for the interrogation of Cassian Jeron Andor. The droid was then tasked to "hang onto" Andor until the trooper returned from inspecting a local shelter. Interpreting the Imperial's verbal command literally, it proceeded to pin Andor against the wall, hanging him above the ground in a choke hold.

Andor was eventually transported to face an Imperial judge, where he was charged with civil disruption, Anti-Imperial speech, fleeing the scene of anti-Imperial activity, and attempted damage to property. Found guilty and imposed a sentence of six years, he was then escorted away by two additional shoretroopers.

Behind the scenes

The KX-series security droid first appeared in the seventh episode of the 2022 Disney+ television series Andor's first season, "Announcement." Its voice portrayal was done by Aidan Cook.




