Unidentified Jedi (Sarn Starbreaker)


Pan Eyta (pictured) told Sarn Starbreaker that he was lucky the Jedi did not take his head during the raid.

Pan Eyta (pictured) told Sarn Starbreaker that he was lucky the Jedi did not take his head during the raid.

A Jedi was a member of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. Between 232 BBY and 231 BBY, the Jedi was present on the Outer Rim astronomical object Mandrine when Kiapene trading post was raided by Nihil pirate forces led by the Cloud Sarn Starbreaker. During the raid, the Jedi nicked Starbreaker on his cheek with their lightsaber, leaving the Cloud with a scar. The raid was ultimately unsuccessful, with the Cloud losing eight Nihil, many being Strikes, and Sarnbreaker barely escaping with his Cloudship.

After the raid, Starbreaker was informed by his Tempest Runner, Pan Eyta, that he was lucky the Jedi had not taken his head, though the Cloud viewed it otherwise: the scar would be a constant reminder of his failed raid. When leading an attack on the Cyclor Shipyards orbiting the Mid Rim planet Cyclor in 231 BBY, Starbreaker rubbed his hand across the scar and mentally recalled the Jedi's actions during the raid. The Cloud noted that the majority of the Nihil he had lost in the raid were "incompetent rabble" and that if anything, the Jedi had done him a favor, as he had taken more care when choosing new recruits. Starbreaker saw the attack on the shipyards as a way to even the score for his failed raid, but was killed during the battle when his Cloudship was destroyed by Jedi Padawan Bell Zettifar.

Powers and abilities

As a member of the Jedi Order, the individual was Force-sensitive and trained to wield the Force.


The Jedi owned a lightsaber, which they used to scar Sarn Starbreaker on his cheek.

Behind the scenes

The Jedi was mentioned in the 2021 novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, written by Cavan Scott as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.






