Unidentified Imperial prisoner (Level 4)

A male prisoner of the Galactic Empire was held in the prison on the moon Narkina 5, where inmates produced machinery for the Empire. At the end of his sentence in 5 BBY, the prisoner was not freed but instead transferred to a different level of the facility the next day. Word spread around their new unit about the transfer, so the Imperial staff had the entire unit killed. However, that did not stop the rumors from reaching other units, and one unit shift started an uprising as a result that led to the freeing of all the prison's inmates.


The man was imprisoned at the Imperial facility on Narkina 5 (pictured).

The man was imprisoned at the Imperial facility on Narkina 5 (pictured).

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, a male individual served a sentence in the Imperial prison facility on the moon Narkina 5. At the prison, the inmates operated an assembly line for complex machinery that would eventually be used in the construction of the Empire's secret superweapon, the Death Star. The Imperial prisoner worked on Level 4 of the facility until his sentence ended at some point in 5 BBY. However, instead of being set free, he was transferred to unit two-five on Level 2 the following day, a mistake by the Imperial staff.

Word soon spread throughout unit two-five about the prisoner's transfer, so during a transfer between the day shift and the night shift of the unit, the Imperial commanders had the entire unit, including the prisoner, killed by electrocution using the conductive tunqstoid steel floors. At that time, the other units' shift changes were delayed because of the incident, and inmates spread word by sign language that something was happening on Level 2. The execution caused a brief power outage across the prison during the delay, and word soon spread afterwards about the fatalities, with one maintenance technician telling the floor manager Zinska about the deaths.

Rhasiv told Kino Loy about the Empire's mistake with the prisoner.

Rhasiv told Kino Loy about the Empire's mistake with the prisoner.

The inmate medical technician Doctor Rhasiv learned of the Empire's mistake and the resulting massacre, passing the news to floor manager Kino Loy and the inmate Cassian Andor on Level 5. Realizing that it meant they would never be released, the pair led their unit shift in an uprising against the Imperial staff, successfully taking control of the command center and freeing the rest of the prisoners in the facility.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial prisoner was first mentioned in "Nobody's Listening!," the ninth episode of the first season of the live-action Disney+ series Andor, which aired on November 2, 2022.






