Unidentified Imperial lieutenant (Luke Skywalker)

A human served as lieutenant of the Galactic Empire. In 3 ABY, he believed he had found Luke Skywalker and called Darth Vader to capture him. The human male he thought to be Skywalker, however, was a double of him, and Vader scolded the lieutenant for wasting his time.

The lieutenant appeared in the comic Star Wars 5, published by Marvel Comics on August 5, 2020. The comic was written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Jesús Saiz, Arif Prianto, and Dan Brown.

Behind the scenes

The lieutenant appeared in the comic Star Wars 5, published by Marvel Comics on August 5, 2020. The comic was written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Jesús Saiz, Arif Prianto, and Dan Brown.



