Unidentified Imperial Security Bureau WED Treadwell repair droid

The spacers however had guards around their ship who spotted the droid as it attempted to place the beacon. The droid attempted to discard the beacon but was captured, however upon inspection the spacers could find nothing unusual about it beside the beacon, as it appeared the same as every other Treadwell maintenance droid on the Wheel.

The WED unit first appeared in 2013 in Beyond the Rim an adventure module written by Sterling Hershey for the Fantasy Flight Games roleplaying game, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. This article assumes that the droid is caught whilst attempting to place the beacon, although if players fail to spot it or place no guards then it will be successful in its mission. It is also possible that when spotted the droid escapes instead of being caught.

Behind the scenes

The WED unit first appeared in 2013 in Beyond the Rim an adventure module written by Sterling Hershey for the Fantasy Flight Games roleplaying game, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. This article assumes that the droid is caught whilst attempting to place the beacon, although if players fail to spot it or place no guards then it will be successful in its mission. It is also possible that when spotted the droid escapes instead of being caught.



