Unidentified Hutt crime lord (Nar Kreeta)

A crime lord, a male Hutt was based on the planet of Nar Kreeta, where the Hutt ran a gambling business. The crime lord would arrange gambling matches in which prisoners were pitted against a rancor. In 14 ABY, the Hutt captured a group of Mining Guild elders, intending to use them for the gambling matches. However, the Jedi Padawan Jaden Korr, who was on Nar Kreeta to investigate rumors of the gambling ring, managed to rescue the men before any harm could come to them.

This Hutt crime lord was mentioned in the Raven Software video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, released in 2003.

Behind the scenes

This Hutt crime lord was mentioned in the Raven Software video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, released in 2003.



