Unidentified Human Rebel

After a Rodian member of the team was arrested, the Human Rebel, Wedge Antilles, and a Bothan confederate confronted Tash Arranda, asking for her help in escaping the planet. While they spoke, the Human Rebel was attacked by a blob creature carrying influenza necrosi. Though his allies pulled the blob off, he was infected, and soon collapsed. Antilles and the Bothan took him back to their safe house.

The Human Rebel character appears in Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague, in which he is last seen infected with the deadly influenza necrosi virus. The book never makes it clear whether the man survived long enough to receive the cure later created by Doctor Kavafi.

Behind the scenes

The Human Rebel character appears in Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague, in which he is last seen infected with the deadly influenza necrosi virus. The book never makes it clear whether the man survived long enough to receive the cure later created by Doctor Kavafi.



