Unidentified Endor arachnid

An arachnid inhabited the forest moon of Endor. It was a segmented creature with blue fur, four clawed legs, and yellow markings on its back. The creature also possessed two yellow eyes, four sharp teeth, and could launch gobs of webbing from its mouth. At least one specimen with an appetite for Ewoks roamed a desert area around Endor's Cavern of Broken Dreams.

By 3 ABY, the arachnid threatened the Ewok Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, who had come to the Cavern to coax out her friend, Wicket Wystri Warrick, who was sulking inside. The arachnid emerged from the cave and pursued the Ewok toward a nearby chasm, a task in which it was aided by the mischievous meddling of a lucksprite. Although the arachnid succeeded in ensnaring Kneesaa in an orb-web, caused in part by the lucksprite's engineered misfortune, the Ewoks nevertheless triumphed by dropping a stone through its web and sending it plummeting into the chasm below.

Biology and appearance

The creature approaches its entangled prey.

The creature approaches its entangled prey.

An arachnid creature exhibited a blue, hairy segmented body that was divided into a head, thorax, and abdomen. The latter was large and ovoid and contained yellow markings on its dorsal side. A lighter shade of tail-like hair rose from its rear. The creature possessed four limbs extending from its thorax, each of which terminated in three claws. The arachnid's forward legs consisted of three pale blue segments while its hind-legs were composed of only two such segments; the first of each was marked by bushes of hair.

The head segment was also largely blue in coloration, shaped by two large eye sockets dominating the upper portion of its face. Its prominent yellow eyes enclosed black irises and sat on either side of a tuft of light-colored hair, which was situated immediately between them and extended to the crown of its head. The creature possessed a jawed mouth, which contained at least four teeth—two of each on its upper and lower jaw. It was larger in size than Ewoks.


At least one such arachnid resided in a desert cave named the Cavern of Broken Dreams on the forest moon of Endor. The creature was predatory in nature, pursuing native species such as Ewoks and reacting to their calls. The animal emitted its own snarling or hissing noises and could climb on vertical surfaces, such as cliffs. The arachnid spat yellow webbing from its mouth, which produced a sticky spiral orb-web that ensnared other beings.


In 3 ABY, the arachnid entered the Cavern that it inhabited. It remained there until it heard the desperate calls of the local Ewok Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, who had come to enliven her friend Wicket Wystri Warrick from a bout of depression.

The sizable quadruped emerged in Wicket's stead and startled the helpless Kneesa, prompting her to retreat toward her companions, Teebo and Latara. When the latter two Ewoks approached Kneesa, the arachnid obstructed them with a quick burst of webbing, which billowed into an orb-web and blocked their advance. Uninhibited, the creature cornered Kneesa at the edge of a nearby chasm, whereafter a mischievous lucksprite intervened and caused Kneesa to drop her lasso—her only available means of defense.

The arachnid discharges webbing at Teebo and Latara.

The arachnid discharges webbing at Teebo and Latara.

Dispossessed of her lasso, Kneesa fell into another one of the creature's orb-webs and cried for help. Wicket then appeared from the cavern's opening and commenced a plan to rescue the distressed Ewok princess. While the arachnid descended the canyon wall toward its captive prey, Wicket lassoed a nearby rock formation and formed a makeshift tightrope over the web. The arachnid noticed the nearby Ewok and attempted to frustrate his scheme with another blast of webbing. The attack succeeded in part; Wicket fell into the massive web but used the opportunity to retrieve Kneesa and rebound for the tightrope.

The arachnid, disoriented by the resulting vibration of its web, continued to pursue the Ewok couple. The lucksprite again manipulated the Ewoks' fortune, causing the tightrope to lose tension and swing directly into the arachnid. While the lucksprite was thwarted by the other Ewoks, Wicket and Kneesa landed on the cliffside, where they pushed a boulder onto the creature and sent it hurtling into the canyon.

Behind the scenes

The arachnid appeared in flashbacks in "Just My Luck," the eighteenth episode of the second season of the animated series Ewoks, which aired on November 22, 1986.



