Unidentified Duros family

A Duros family lived on the planet Duro during the time of the Dark Wars. These Duros were a politically connected family, unlike their rivals—a bounty hunter group known as the Zhug brothers—who were cast out from Duro after their violent, failed attempt to take out this family.

This family was introduced in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords—a video game released by Obsidian Entertainment in 2004—as a quick mention during the conversation between Trandoshan bounty hunter Vossk, and the main character of the game, the Jedi Exile.

Behind the scenes

This family was introduced in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords—a video game released by Obsidian Entertainment in 2004—as a quick mention during the conversation between Trandoshan bounty hunter Vossk, and the main character of the game, the Jedi Exile.



