Unidentified Bar Jaraniz bartender

A bartender worked the late shift at Bar Jaraniz on Nar Shaddaa, a shift which lasted from some point in the evening until dawn. A male individual, the bartender was versed in the creation of elaborate cocktails, and possessed a cautious demeanor.

In the year 24 ABY, the bartender crafted a vosh cocktail with geref chunks, fruit segments, and skewers for a patron of Bar Jaraniz. While doing so, he temporarily stopped to speak with the Mandalorian bounty hunter Goran Beviin, serving him two bottles of ale and directing the man toward a prospective client that had been waiting at the tapcaf.

Bar Jaraniz's unnamed bartender was first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the New Jedi Order era e-novella entitled Boba Fett: A Practical Man, written by author Karen Traviss and published in August, 2006.

Behind the scenes

Bar Jaraniz's unnamed bartender was first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the New Jedi Order era e-novella entitled Boba Fett: A Practical Man, written by author Karen Traviss and published in August, 2006.



