Unidentified Amnesty Affairs commissioner

A Twi'lek individual served as the Amnesty Affairs Commissioner within the New Republic's Amnesty Program, a rehabilitation program for former members of the Galactic Empire who passed through the Re-Integration Institute. The Twi'lek had a blue uniform with a command insignia denoting a military rank of captain.

The Amnesty Affairs Commissioner debuted in "Chapter 19: The Convert," the third episode of the third season of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian, which was directed by Lee Isaac Chung. The Amnesty Affairs Commissioner was played by Sunkrish Bala.

Behind the scenes

The Amnesty Affairs Commissioner debuted in "Chapter 19: The Convert," the third episode of the third season of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian, which was directed by Lee Isaac Chung. The Amnesty Affairs Commissioner was played by Sunkrish Bala.



