Unidentified 181st pilot

When Cartann declared war on the other nations of Adumar, the Imperials fought for them when forces of the Yedagon Confederacy attacked Cartann. The Human male was the first Imperial pilot to die, which happened when his TIE interceptor was shot down by concentrated fire from the New Republic pilots, who were fighting for the Confederacy.

In X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar, one of Phennir's men is described as being a tall, red-headed man. It is unclear if that man is the pilot described in this article or one of the two other men on Phennir's ambassadorial team.

Behind the scenes

In X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar, one of Phennir's men is described as being a tall, red-headed man. It is unclear if that man is the pilot described in this article or one of the two other men on Phennir's ambassadorial team.



