Tython detachment


The detachment deployed to the planet Tython in 9 ABY was comprised of numerous standard stormtroopers and one artillery stormtrooper all under the command of a Stormtrooper Commander. The troopers utilized standard-issue E-11 medium blasters and eventually deployed an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon.


Tasked with capturing the Force-sensitive foundling Grogu, the stormtrooper detachment was deployed from Gideon's lighter cruiser and were transported to Tython's surface in two Imperial transports. Upon landing, several stormtroopers were immediately gunned down by the Master Assassin Fennec Shand, who had positioned herself with an MK sniper rifle on a nearby hill. The stormtrooper commander and his men scrambled for cover and identified Shand's position atop the hill. Despite the protests of a trooper, the stormtrooper commander ordered his troops to run up the hill head-on into Shand's sniper fire.

As the stormtroopers rushed up the hill, many more were killed by sniper fire. Boba Fett, who had been hiding behind a formation of rocks, ambushed a group of stormtroopers as they neared the top of the hill, and brutally bludgeoned several troopers to death with his gaderffii stick. As a artillery stormtrooper sets up his mortar and begins shelling Shand's position, another group of stormtroopers deploys an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon. The shelling loosened a large boulder near Shand, who subsequently managed to dislodge it and send it barreling down the hill and towards the troopers. The boulder crushed several stormtroopers and destroyed the E-Web as the stormtrooper commander watched. Immediately after, Boba Fett knocked the commander to the ground and stabbed him to death with the sharp end of his gaderffii stick. A second Imperial transport soon landed, and deployed reinforcements.

Shand's position is eventually overrun by stormtroopers, and she flees while taking down over a dozen of her pursuers. A large group of troopers managed to surround Shand, and inform her that they are here for the child, not her. Din Djarin arrives and kills several troopers with his whistling birds, and resumed the battle at Shand's side. As the skirmish continued, Boba Fett arrived in his old reclaimed armor, and proceeded to kill a dozen stormtroopers with various armaments. Overwhelmed and having sustained incredibly heavy losses, the remaining stormtroopers flee back to their shuttles and attempt to return to Gideon's light cruiser, but both shuttles are destroyed by a single shot from Fett's jetpack rocket, completely wiping out the remains of the Tython detachment.







