Twi'lek freedom fighters hideout


Following the Separatist's invasion and subsequent occupation of Ryloth, General Cham Syndulla and his Twi'lek Resistance retreated to Cazne. There, they hid their hideout under a crashed C-9979 landing craft. The Resistance had several stables for their blurrgs, with they used as mounts.

Following the Republic's landing at Nabat and liberation of the Jixuan desert, Jedi General Mace Windu and two of his troopers found the Resistance. General Syndulla took Master Windu and his troopers, Stak and Razor, to their hideout. There, Syndulla offered what little food they had to them. Syndulla's fighters entertained their guests until Commander Ponds informed them of the Separatist's fire-bomb campaign on several villages. Despite his mistrust of the Republic, Syndulla agreed to speak with Senator Orn Free Taa. Despite their mutual animosity toward each other, Syndulla and Taa agree to work together to free their homeworld from the Separatists.

Behind the scenes

The hideout appears in the episode "Liberty on Ryloth" in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.



