Tusken Bunker

The Tusken Bunker was the name given to an Imperial bunker on Tatooine after it was invaded by the Tusken Raiders during the Galactic Civil War.


The bunker was located on the planet Tatooine, in the rocky desert between Mos Espa and Bestine. It consisted of a one-storied building above the ground with a small watchtower on top and two underground levels. Next to the bunker stood large machines, presumably power generators. The area was surrounded by a fortified wall.


The main room of the bunker.

The main room of the bunker.

At some point of time prior to 1 ABY, Sandpeople under the lead of a Tusken King attacked the bunker, killing many Imperials, and took control of the complex. The Tuskens installed a large skeletonized krayt dragon head in the main room where the king resided. Various skeletons of the slain Imperials could still be found in the bunker.

In 1 ABY, an Imperial colonel in Bestine tasked citizens with re-securing the facility, albeit in a manner that avoided directly stating that they had lost it in the first place. The colonel also indicated that they had not actually reported their losing the bunker to the Tusken Raiders to Prefect Eugene Talmont out of fear of being reprimanded by him.

During that time, a Zabrak individual named Errik Darksider sold the coordinates of the bunker to a spacer traveling through Mos Eisley.




