Trinnolt Makken

Trinnolt Makken was a Human male born prior to 32 BBY. At one point in his life, he lost his left hand and received a prosthetic replacement. Makken served as a commander in the Imperial Navy but retired from service by 43 ABY, when he was appointed by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances to be the Jedi supervisor of former Jedi Knight Tahiri Veila. The job of a supervisor was to shadow Jedi on their missions to help keep the Order in line. However, as Veila was no longer a Jedi, she resisted and took the matter to court. In the ensuing trial, the Galactic Alliance Court of Justice, led by Chief Justice Uved Pledesin, ruled with Veila. Makken was later put in charge of the Department of Justice's investigation into the death of interim Jedi Grand Master Kenth Hamner.


Trinnolt Makken was a male Human who was born at least by 32 BBY. Makken lost his left hand at some point around 32 BBY, and he received a prosthetic replacement. He served as a commander in the Imperial Navy, and he retired from service by the time following the Second Galactic Civil War. In 43 ABY, he was appointed by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances to be the Jedi supervisor of former Jedi Tahiri Veila. Jedi supervisors were tasked with following a Jedi on all of their missions to help keep the Jedi Order in line. Makken went to Veila's home in Coruscant's Residential district, where he told Veila that he was to be her supervisor. Veila laughed and claimed that since she was no longer a Jedi, she did not require a supervisor, to which Makken replied that the law applied to Sith as well. Veila, however, was no longer a Sith, either; she had become a bounty hunter after the death of her master, Darth Caedus, during the Battle of Uroro Station.

Veila finally convinced Makken to leave her by threatening to throw him out her viewport. The matter was later taken to court in The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances versus Tahiri Veila, with the Twi'lek lawyer Nawara Ven helping to defend Veila. The Court of Justice, led by Lorrdian Chief Justice Uved Pledesin, ruled with Veila, stating that a being's possession of skills did not necessarily constitute the need for a supervisor. Later, in 44 ABY, Commander Makken was put in charge of the Department of Justice's investigation into the recent death of interim Jedi Grand Master Kenth Hamner. He was among the many governmental representatives to attend Hamner's funeral.

Personality and traits

Trinnolt Makken was brief and abrupt when dealing with others. He often dispensed with pleasantries, preferring to get straight to business. When talking with Veila, Makken showed that he was also arrogant and rather grim, responding humorlessly to her cynical and often sardonic remarks. Commander Makken was described as aristocratic in appearance, with pale skin, white hair, and blue eyes, and his left hand was prosthetic. Makken made no attempt to hide the fact that his hand was prosthetic, preferring instead to keep the replacement visibly mechanic.

Behind the scenes

Trinnolt Makken made his first appearance as a minor character in the first Fate of the Jedi novel, Fate of the Jedi: Outcast, written by Aaron Allston. He later appeared in Allston's Fate of the Jedi: Conviction, the seventh novel in the series.












