Tribunal of Han Solo

A tribunal was held against Han Solo while training as one of its cadets. At the tribunal, Solo was charged with disobeying a direct order. Solo was found guilty and was reassigned to the infantry unit on Mimban.

The tribunal of Han Solo first appeared in the novelization of the Star Wars Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story by Mur Lafferty, released on September 4, 2018. The tribunal's scenes were filmed but cut from the final version of the film. Both Lawrence and Jon Kasdan, the film's screenwriters, fought hard to keep the tribunal in the film, believing it was a crucial for the story. However, they ultimately felt that it was a hinderance to the story's flow and cut the scenes.

The scene of the tribunal featured the Star Wars Legends characters Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna, originally created and featured on Kevin Rubio's Star Wars: Tag & Bink comic book series. The scene featured cameo appearances from costume designers Glyn Dillon and David Crossman, producer and VFX Supervisor Rob Bredow and director Ron Howard's wife ; among other crewmembers.

Behind the scenes

The tribunal of Han Solo first appeared in the novelization of the Star Wars Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story by Mur Lafferty, released on September 4, 2018. The tribunal's scenes were filmed but cut from the final version of the film. Both Lawrence and Jon Kasdan, the film's screenwriters, fought hard to keep the tribunal in the film, believing it was a crucial for the story. However, they ultimately felt that it was a hinderance to the story's flow and cut the scenes.

The scene of the tribunal featured the Star Wars Legends characters Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna, originally created and featured on Kevin Rubio's Star Wars: Tag & Bink comic book series. The scene featured cameo appearances from costume designers Glyn Dillon and David Crossman, producer and VFX Supervisor Rob Bredow and director Ron Howard's wife ; among other crewmembers.















