TriNebulon News

The TriNebulon News, also known simply as TriNeb, was a news agency active during the Republic Era and later during the Imperial Era.

During the Republic Era, it reported on the ascension of Padmé Amidala to the Galactic Senate. While the article "FASHION-PLATE QUEEN RETURNS TO SENATE" had some praise for her, it was largely dismissive, suggesting that her address to the Senate four years before was written for her due to her age, and that while she was no longer a "puppet queen," someone was still pulling her strings. Throughout her service, they continued to report on her in unflattering terms, and she learned they were under the influence of the Trade Federation.

It reported on many events, including the Ryloth Insurgency, the destruction of Jedha City, and the Battle of Yavin, painting these events under Imperial propaganda, labeling the destruction of the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin a cowardly rebel attack on peacekeeping troops aboard an orbital space station. When the First Order became prominent years after the Galactic Civil War, TriNeb shilled for the First Order, being one of the few, if not the only, news outlets to do so.

Behind the scenes

TriNebulon News first appeared in Star Wars canon in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files. Before that, it first appeared in the supplement Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim of the 1993 Star Wars Legends Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files






