Trailian sithspawn

The Trailian sithspawn were a race of the Trailian species created by Emperor's Hand Cronal. Through a process of genetic engineering and dark side experimentation, he transformed a massive number of the once peaceful Trailians into exceptionally powerful warriors that possessed extremely dangerous force abilities such as Force lightning. Although being very powerful, they remained absolutely loyal to Cronal, he sent them on a number of missions to attack neighboring worlds of Trailia. This race was eventually defeated by a group of offworld adventurers.

This group were described in The Monster Maker as "a twisted dark race of warriors." Although not labeled as Sithspawn, their method of creation, thorough "genetic engineering and Dark Side power", is consistent with the description of the creation of other Sithspawn by Cronal/Blackhole.

Behind the scenes

This group were described in The Monster Maker as "a twisted dark race of warriors." Although not labeled as Sithspawn, their method of creation, thorough "genetic engineering and Dark Side power", is consistent with the description of the creation of other Sithspawn by Cronal/Blackhole.



