Trabzon Road

Trabzon Road was a road on the Outer Rim planet Akiva. In 4 ABY, the junk dealer Temmin Wexley stole a crate from a transport belonging to the crime lord Surat Nuat that had crashed on the road. As a result, Nurat sent several of his henchmen to punish Wexley and recover the scavenged items. However, the junk dealer and his B1-series battle droid, Mister Bones, managed to defeat the henchmen with the assistance of Wexley's mother, the New Republic pilot Norra Wexley. Temmin then gave Mister Bones orders to dump the criminals' bodies where Trabzon Road intersected the Kora Biedies river.

Trabzon Road was mentioned in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.

Behind the scenes

Trabzon Road was mentioned in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.






