Tower (Tammuz-an Royal castle)

The tower was used for a traditional crowning ceremony. The Keeper of the Tower would preside over the placing of the royal scepter in a stone platform at the first sunrise of the equinox. When the sun's rays shone through the scepter, illuminating the castle and the surrounding area, he would pronounce the person who successfully carried out this task the rightful ruler of Tammuz-an.

During the coup attempt by the royal Vizier Ko Zatec-Cha, he and his henchmen raced to get to the top of the tower before the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Mon Julpa. He failed and was arrested, after Julpa planted the scepter on the platform.


The ceremony being performed in 15 BBY

The ceremony being performed in 15 BBY

The tower was used for a traditional crowning ceremony. The Keeper of the Tower would preside over the placing of the royal scepter in a stone platform at the first sunrise of the equinox. When the sun's rays shone through the scepter, illuminating the castle and the surrounding area, he would pronounce the person who successfully carried out this task the rightful ruler of Tammuz-an.

During the coup attempt by the royal Vizier Ko Zatec-Cha, he and his henchmen raced to get to the top of the tower before the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Mon Julpa. He failed and was arrested, after Julpa planted the scepter on the platform.









