Tokra Hazz

Tokra Hazz, later known as the Hidden One, was a Force-sensitive Kel Dor who was a member of the Baran Do Sages, a Force-based organization on the planet Dorin. In 19 BBY, the Jedi Order was almost completely wiped out during Order 66 and the subsequent Great Jedi Purge, causing Hazz to fear that the new Galactic Empire would eventually destroy the Baran Do as well. To avoid that fate, Hazz decided to found the Hidden Ones, a secret sect of the Baran Do that hid in a system of caverns beneath Dorin's surface and were tasked with preserving the Order's knowledge. He then became the sect's first leader, taking on the title of the Hidden One. In 43.5 ABY, Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son Ben Skywalker discovered the Hidden Ones and their caverns and were told the story of Tokra Hazz by Chara, a member of the sect.

The first Hidden One

Hazz was a member of the Baran Do (pictured).

Hazz was a member of the Baran Do (pictured).

Tokra Hazz was a Force-sensitive Kel Dor born on the planet Dorin. There, he joined the Baran Do, a Force-based organization on his homeworld, and became a leading member of the Sages. He was a Baran Do Master by 19 BBY when the Jedi were nearly eliminated by Order 66 and the Great Jedi Purge. With the new Empire in control of the galaxy, Hazz feared that the Baran Do might suffer the same fate as the Jedi Order, and he decided to create a secret sect of the Baran Do dedicated to preserving the order's knowledge; if the Baran Do ever were eradicated, the sect would be able to reinstate the order.

Hazz traveled deep beneath the surface of Dorin, where he discovered a system of caverns. Hazz spent years drilling a long and winding tunnel to them from the surface and spent even more years expanding and modifying the caverns. The new sect, which was named the Hidden Ones, was established down in the caverns, and Hazz became their first leader, taking the title of the Hidden One. Hazz decided that in order to protect the Hidden Ones' secrecy, no one could ever be allowed to leave the caverns. Hazz built the tunnel to the caverns with this rule in mind, making it too long to crawl out of and easily collapsible if someone tried to traverse it through other means.

In line with Hazz's policy of secrecy, new members would have to accept that they were dead to the outside galaxy. The Baran Do tradition of the dying ceremony—a ceremony in which a Sage pretended to die and then secretly traveled down to the Caverns of the Hidden One to join the sect—was established as a way for the Sages to join Hazz's new sect. Hazz also decided to come up with a telepathic technique for communicating with the Baran Do on the surface as a way for reinstating the Sages if they were ever destroyed. By 43.5 ABY, Hazz was no longer the leader of the Hidden Ones.


Ben Skywalker (pictured) was told the story of Tokra Hazz by Chara.

Ben Skywalker (pictured) was told the story of Tokra Hazz by Chara.

In 43.5 ABY, Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker—recently exiled for failing to prevent former Jedi Knight Jacen Solo's fall to the dark side of the Force—and his son, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker, traveled to Dorin to find out more about Solo's fall to the dark side.

However, Koro Ziil, the Master of the Baran Do who had previously trained Solo, was no longer present with the Sages at their temple. The Skywalkers eventually discovered the Hidden Ones, finding the caverns by following senior combat instructor Charsae Saal, who began to go by the name Chara. The instructor explained the story of Tokra Hazz and the creation of the tunnel and the caverns. The Skywalkers eventually met with Ziil, who had recently become the sect's leader and held true to Hazz's rule of letting no one leave the caverns. When Luke eventually confronted Ziil and defeated him, the Hidden Ones were disbanded, and the sect's members returned to the surface.

Personality and traits

Tokra Hazz was concerned first and foremost with the progression of the powers and philosophy of the Baran Do and was thus more interested in the safe-keeping of knowledge than the well-being of individual lives. He believed deeply in his cause, and after the destruction of the Jedi Order, he became paranoid that the Baran Do awaited a similar fate; he feared that all of their hard-earned wisdom in the ways of the Force would be lost. Since knowledge meant more to Hazz than life, he decided to form the Hidden Ones, forsaking life in favor of protecting the powers of the Baran Do.

Powers and abilities

Hazz was Force-sensitive and became one of the leading members of the Baran Do order. As one of the Hidden Ones, Hazz was capable of telepathy.


Hazz used tunneling equipment to drill a tunnel to caverns beneath the surface of Dorin.

Behind the scenes

Tokra Hazz was mentioned in Aaron Allston's 2009 novel Fate of the Jedi: Outcast, the first novel of the Fate of the Jedi series.






