Toile Senn


A male Rodian, Toile Senn was a Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order who served in the time after the Yuuzhan Vong War, which left the galaxy ravaged by the extra-galactic invaders. In 40 ABY, when the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances discovered the Corellian government was rebelliously building a secret fleet, Senn was one of the Jedi sent on the mission to bring Corellia into line known as Operation Roundabout. He was assigned to Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker's Hardpoint Squadron, which was given the designation "Team Womprat" for the operation, and flew an XJ6 X-wing in the Jedi-only squadron. As part of Operation Roundabout, four other Jedi teams had been sent to the surface of Corellia, as well as to the system's ancient superweapon, Centerpoint Station, on missions designed to weaken the Corellian government.

When the Galactic Alliance forces arrived in the Corellian system with the intent of intimidating the Corellians through a show of firepower, Hardpoint Squadron escorted the ground-assault shuttle Chandrila Skies to extract the Jedi operating on the planet. As Hardpoint Squadron approached the planet, they encountered eighteen Corellian starfighters, who headed to engage the Jedi. Without warning, the Corellian fighters broke formation and Hardpoint Squadron was assaulted by a ground-based anti-starfighter barrage. Senn and the other members of Hardpoint survived the initial attack, but the Chandrila Skies was destroyed. Despite the loss, Skywalker ordered the squadron to continue to head toward the planet to extract the Jedi with or without a shuttle. As the squadron continued through the incoming fire, Senn's snubfighter was shaken to pieces by three near hits, forcing the Rodian to eject. At the apex of the ejection, Senn disappeared into the cloud of another nearby explosion. The death of the Rodian was felt by Skywalker nearby, and Hardpoint's strength was reduced to nine. With little time to mourn Senn, Hardpoint Squadron continued with their mission and successfully extracted the other Jedi teams. The Galactic Alliance wasn't as successful, however, as Operation Roundabout turned into a disaster that triggered the Second Galactic Civil War. Senn was only of the first of many Jedi casualties in the conflict, which threatened to tear the Galactic Alliance apart.

Personality and traits

As a member of the New Jedi Order, Toile Senn was Force-sensitive. He was a capable pilot, who was selected by Grand Master Luke Skywalker to fly in his Jedi-only Hardpoint Squadron during Operation Roundabout.

Behind the scenes

Toile Senn was created by author Aaron Allston as a minor character in the first novel of the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series, Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, released in 2006. He only appears once when Luke Skywalker witnesses his death.



