Tobix Chasser

Tobix Chasser was a human Imperial officer cadet who served as a junior grade lieutenant in the Imperial Army. He acted as operations personnel on the planet Scarif, where he was in charge of assigning personnel to the Death Star superweapon that had been constructed there.

In 1 BBY, Chasser was guarding Landing Platform Nine on Scarif when the cargo shuttle SW-0608 arrived secretly carrying a group of rebels planning to steal the Death Star plans. Oblivious to the infiltrators, Chasser opened the door to a tram station for a group of disguised rebels. He then participated in the ensuing battle, which ended with the Imperial facility on Scarif being destroyed by the Death Star.

Death Star deployer

Tobix Chasser was a human who served as an Imperial officer cadet in the Imperial Army of the Galactic Empire, holding the rank of junior grade lieutenant. Chasser was stationed at the Imperial Center of Military Research on the planet Scarif, where construction of the Empire's Death Star superweapon was completed in orbit. Chasser was the member of operations personnel who was in charge of allocation of staff to the Death Star, with many of those who knew that the weapon was nearly operational vying for assignments on board. The lieutenant handpicked staff to ensure that only those who were both qualified and able to keep a secret were selected.

Chasser (left, stood beside console) was on Landing Platform Nine when SW-0608 arrived.

Chasser (left, stood beside console) was on Landing Platform Nine when SW-0608 arrived.

In 1 BBY, Chasser was working as a guard at the control panel of Landing Platform Nine in the Imperial complex on Scarif and was stood with its deck officer, Lieutenant Frobb, and a stormtrooper when the Imperial cargo shuttle SW-0608 landed there. The shuttle had been directed to land on the platform, but secretly carried a group of rebels who had stolen it from an Imperial complex on the planet Eadu. The members of the Alliance hoped to infiltrate Scarif's Citadel Tower and steal the plans for the Death Star from the data vault there.

Battle of Scarif

Unaware of the rebels onboard, Frobb sent an inspection team onto SW-0608 where the Imperials were subdued by the infiltrators and had their uniforms stolen. While the inspection team were inside the vessel, Chasser, Frobb, and the stormtrooper remained at the control panel, and once the rebel pilot Bodhi Rook saw that they were distracted from inside the shuttle's cockpit, he called down for the other rebels to begin sneaking out of the ship. A group of Alliance Special Forces members then climbed out of a hatch in the bottom of the shuttle and began sneaking off the platform into the surrounding foliage.

Tobix Chasser allowed Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, and K-2SO into the Citadel Tower, where they would steal the Death Star plans.

Tobix Chasser allowed Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, and K-2SO into the Citadel Tower, where they would steal the Death Star plans.

As the other rebels exited the back of the vessel, the rebels Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso exited the front disguised as the members of the inspection team and accompanied by the reprogrammed Imperial KX-series security droid K-2SO. Oblivious to what was happening, Chasser barely glanced at the group before pulling a lever on the control panel and opening the door to the tram station that connected the landing platform to the Citadel Tower for the disguised rebels.

The other rebels succeeded in leaving the platform without being noticed and began planting charges around the Imperial complex, which they then detonated, drawing Imperial forces out of the Citadel Tower and into combat. Chasser took part in the battle, which ended with the rebels that Chasser had allowed into the tower successfully transmitting the Death Star plans to the Alliance fleet before the Death Star destroyed the entire Imperial complex on Scarif with its superlaser.

Personality and traits

Tobix Chasser had light skin, brown hair, and gray eyes.


Chasser wore a gray Imperial officer's uniform including a gray Imperial kepi with an officer's disk. His uniform also included a black belt with a second disk on the buckle, a code cylinder worn on each breast of his tunic, and a rank insignia plaque with two blue pips.

Behind the scenes

Tobix Chasser appeared in a scene cut from the film's final release.

Tobix Chasser appeared in a scene cut from the film's final release.

Tobix Chasser was created for the Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and first appeared simultaneously in the film, its novelization by Alexander Freed, and its junior novelization by Matt Forbeck, all of which were released on December 16, 2016. Prior to the release of the film, Chasser was first revealed in a promotional featurette for Rogue One released on November 17, 2016.

The character was first identified in reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo and also released on the same day as the film. Production footage from the film shows a scene being filmed in which Frobb confronts K-2SO on the landing platform while Chasser watches; however, this did not make it into the final release.



















