

During a brief stopover on Chuzalla, Prince Coby and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO met Tobar while Coby was looking to purchase a Blackhawk Destroyer. After receiving payment for the craft from R2-D2, Tobar pressed the ignition button on the Blackhawk's control panel, sending Coby and R2 into a reckless careening flight around the spaceport. As Coby's craft was about to be blasted by an Ithorian below, Tobar ran into the alien, preventing him from shooting down the young prince.

Behind the scenes

Tobar is identical in appearance to two other characters from the Droids animated series: the Tyne's Horky droid-market auctioneer in the fifth episode, "The Lost Prince," and a slave on the Roon Clipper in the twelfth episode, "Across the Roon Sea." There is no indication that all three are meant to be the same character.



