To Free the Forgotten

A group of rebels are assigned to liberate a group of political prisoners on Captivity.

They replace the royal leaders of Virujansi in order to force the Empire to exile them to Captivity. After managing to anger Major Lariss, they are deposited on Captivity.

There they meet the prisoners, who have organized themselves into different clans.

The team soon organizes the prisoners and make it to Borlol's Claw for extraction. The Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, dodges TIE fighters and lands to retreive the team.

Plot summary

A group of rebels are assigned to liberate a group of political prisoners on Captivity.

They replace the royal leaders of Virujansi in order to force the Empire to exile them to Captivity. After managing to anger Major Lariss, they are deposited on Captivity.

There they meet the prisoners, who have organized themselves into different clans.

The team soon organizes the prisoners and make it to Borlol's Claw for extraction. The Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, dodges TIE fighters and lands to retreive the team.
