Tiurrg Drey'lye

was a male Bothan who served as the Senator of the Bothan sector in the Galactic Alliance Senate following the Second Galactic Civil War.

In the lead up to the Unification Summit between the Galactic Alliance, Confederation, and Imperial Remnant in 43.5 ABY, Drey'lye was made the head of the Senate Unification Preparations Committee. In this capacity, Drey'lye, escorted by Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, met with Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel in a perliminary meeting aboard the Star Destroyer Gilad Pellaeon before the official opening of the summit.


In the lead up to the Unification Summit between the Galactic Alliance, Confederation, and Imperial Remnant in 43.5 ABY, Drey'lye was made the head of the Senate Unification Preparations Committee. In this capacity, Drey'lye, escorted by Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, met with Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel in a perliminary meeting aboard the Star Destroyer Gilad Pellaeon before the official opening of the summit.






