Tiems (planet)

Tiems was an Outer Rim Territories planet located in the Belderone sector. It was the site of the city of Tiems, which hosted a Galactic Empire outpost during the Galactic Civil War, with an Imperial base being situated in its vicinity. At one point, a Rebel Alliance force under the command of General Carlist Rieekan led an attack on the city, in the process liberating several thousand Rebel prisoners. While waiting for delayed Alliance transports to take them off-planet, Rieekan's force subsequently engaged and prevailed over Imperial infantry in what became known as the Battle of Tiems. Afterward, the Rebel soldiers were transported off Tiems.


Tiems was a terrestrial planet located in the Tiems system, a part of the Belderone sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The weather on the planet could at times impede the operation of combat aircraft.


The progression of the Battle of Tiems.

The progression of the Battle of Tiems.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire maintained an outpost in Tiems' city of the same name and incarcerated several thousand members of the Rebel Alliance at the settlement. At some point between 0 BBY and 0 ABY, the Alderaanian Alliance general Carlist Rieekan led a Rebel force in attacking the city of Tiems, destroying a power station there and liberating the prisoners. However, Imperial starfighters delayed the arrival of Alliance transports that were supposed to take Rieekan's soldiers off-planet.

Subsequently, in a ground engagement that became known as the Battle of Tiems, an Imperial general, striking from battle lines that enclosed the city of Tiems, led an infantry force in a counter-attack on the Rebel force. Rieekan was then forced to defend the designated landing zone area, situated beyond a town in Tiems' vicinity, until the arrival of the Rebel transports. During the battle, the Alliance force used mobile defense tactics to destroy two of the four Imperial regiments and cause the remainder of the attacking force to disorderly retreat to Tiems. Although twenty-four hours later the Imperials were reinforced by a division of soldiers, the former waited for another twelve hours for the weather to clear up so that air support could be had in the upcoming attack. By the time that offensive was launched, however, the Alliance forces had been transported off-world.

Rieekan later illustrated the progression of the Battle of Tiems in a series of diagrams included in an After Action Report. Those diagrams were subsequently used by General Crix Madine to augment an account of the engagement on Tiems used as an example given during an orientation meeting to new Alliance ground unit commanders.


During the Battle of Tiems, the Galactic Empire force was able to summon reinforcements consisting of a division of native troops.


Tiems was the site of a city of the same name, which was situated near two other settlements, including a town. The city of Tiems lay at the intersection of two roads, including Tiems Road, which connected it to the town. Also near Tiems were the Gopps Forest and a bend of the Blue River that was crossed by three bridges. A Galactic Empire base was located in the vicinity of Tiems.

Behind the scenes

The planet on which the city of Tiems was located was first mentioned in Paul Murphy's 1990 The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, which was published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Tiems system in grid square R-6, and Jason Fry, co-author of that book, later confirmed that "Tiems" was also intended to be the name of the corresponding planet.

