Thylefire scorpion

The thylefire scorpion was a type of scorpion native to the planets of E'ronoh and Eiram. While the scorpion was non-venomous on E'ronoh it was poisonous on Eiram. Although the poison of the scorpions on Eiram was survivable, Queen Adrialla successfully tried to weaponize the poison. However the production of this poison was stopped and except for a few samples, which were archived as a weapon which might be needed in a fight against future enemies, completely destroyed. On E'ronoh the scorpion was also an important part of the culture as it was served in food as fried scorpion and candy aswell as in drinks in form of a red syrup extracted from the scorpions blood. It was also an important symbol of strength for E'ronoh as the creature could survive under the harsh conditions of E'ronoh's desert. Because of this a naval squadron stationed on E'ronoh, Thylefire Squadron, also shared the creature's name.






