Three rings of defense

Outer ring

The outer ring had four guard positions at the upper right; upper left; lower right and lower left. The outermost ring was characterized by sweeping heavy blows, which though powerful would take longer to deliver.

Middle ring

Like the outer ring, the middle had four guard positions: high, low, left and right. The middle ring was used to pick up quicker blows and stop them before they could intersect with the body, which was one of the most effective ways of deflecting blaster bolts.

Inner ring

The inner ring of defense used parries as opposed to blocks and was primarily used against lunging attacks. The lightsaber was kept in close to the body, with the hilt covering the navel. With the tip of the blade angled so that attacks could be picked up on its lower third, then to be shunted aside, and a riposte against an enemy's stomach or chest was possible. This was the last line of defense and was considered dangerous to both defend and attack from.

Behind the scenes

There are parallels between the three rings and the three styles introduced in Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and elaborated in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The inner ring is very suitable for lightsaber combat in the fast style, while the outer ring is suitable for combat in the strong style. Finally, the middle ring is suitable for combat in the medium style.

The three rings of defense were similar to the principle of Shii-Cho, one of the seven classic lightsaber styles of the Old Jedi Order, because of its simplicity.



