Thomquizzar Naval Base

The Thomquizzar Naval Base was mentioned in the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement The Far Orbit Project, authored by Timothy S. O'Brien and published by West End Games in 1998. In The Far Orbit Project, the base's name is written as Thomquizarr Naval Base. Later in 2009, the reference title The Essential Atlas named the system that the base was at as Thomquizzar. This article assumes the newer spelling is correct.

Behind the scenes

The Thomquizzar Naval Base was mentioned in the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement The Far Orbit Project, authored by Timothy S. O'Brien and published by West End Games in 1998. In The Far Orbit Project, the base's name is written as Thomquizarr Naval Base. Later in 2009, the reference title The Essential Atlas named the system that the base was at as Thomquizzar. This article assumes the newer spelling is correct.


  • The Far Orbit Project
