The Thieves of Tharnaka

Official description

The Jedi set out to recover a mysterious artifact.

Searching for the Story Stone

The Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay and Nubs accompany the Jedi explorer droid 0G-LC to the legendary caves of the planet Tharnaka. The four of them jump over rocks. OG-LC is excited to see the caves for himself while Brightstar is curious about the people who used to live in the caves. Speaking in Poobian, Nubs asks about the history of the Tharnakan people. Solay says he is right and mentions that the planet got flooded a long time ago and that nobody knows where the Tharnakan people went. Brightstar mentions that the water dried up recently, making it easier to look for the long-lost Tharnakan Story Stone.

OG-LC hopes that the stone will shed light on the ancient Tharnakans and believes it will make a valuable collection to the Jedi Archives at the Tenoo Jedi Temple. The group reach a chasm. While the Jedi younglings are able to use their Force powers to jump across, OG-LC struggles due to his old age. Brightstar manages to pull him to safety. They approach a cave where OG-LC believes that Story Stone is located. The three Jedi use their lightsabers to illuminate the way. OG-LC is interested in the Tharnakan's cave dwellings, which reveals them to be humanoid figures.

Treasure thieves

The four explorers find the Tharnakan Story Stone lying on an altar under a blue light. Solay wonders if they should leave the stone for the Tharnakans in case they return. OG-LC reassures her that it will be safe at the Jedi Archives on Tenoo. With an electrical storm approaching, OG-LC thinks that they should leave fast if they don't want to get stuck. Before they can take the stone, three masked thieves abseil down the hole above the shrine and steal the Story Stone. They flee before the Jedi and OG-LC can follow. OG-LC fires his grappling hook which he and the younglings use to reach the surface.

However, the thieves escape on their speeder bikes. OG-LC laments that he wanted the Story Stone to be safe. Due to the approaching lightning storm, he fears that they won't make it back to their starship in time. The four retreat into a cave where they find a shelter. While huddling beside their lamp, Brightstar spots a campfire in a nearby cave. OG-LC recalls the planet is abandoned while Solay thinks that the campfire belongs to the thieves who stole the Story Stone. Brightstar says they should get to the thieves before the storm ends.

Reunion with Ace Kallisto

As the four Jedi and droid approach the campfire, they find the thieves arguing. The second thief says that the stone is sacred to his people while the first thief insists on sticking to their plan. The third thief says that they can make money from selling the stone in Gungan accent. The first thief disagrees, saying that they came to get the Story Stone for Ishbul Ekwesh. Nubs dislodges a stone, attracting the attention of the thieves. One of them dismisses it as the sound of thunder but another thief spots Brightstar's curly hair behind a rock.

The thief removes her helmet, revealing herself to be Ace Kallisto. When OG-LC asks who she is, Brightstar introduces his friends to Ace. Kallisto explained that she met Brightstar during an earlier adventure with Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna. When Brightstar reminds her that she stole their shuttle, Kallisto quips that she "borrowed" their shuttle. Brightstar explains that they were searching for the Story Stone and that OG wants to keep it safe so that the Jedi can learn more about the Tharnakans. When Kallisto questions OG-LC's motives, Brightstar expresses disbelief that she would steal something so important. Kallisto says that she and her companions were trying to keep the Story Stone safe from the Jedi, whom they thought were trying to steal it.

Kallisto offers to explain the situation and introduces her crew: the Gungan Tooba Jinx and a Tharnakan man named Ishbul Ekwesh. Brightstar and his friends are surprised to learn that Ekwesh is a Tharnakan. OG-LC is amazed to meet a living and breathing Tharnakan, saying that he has many questions. Ekwesh begins telling a story about his people and activates the Story Stone, which glows blue. He uses the Story Stone to illuminate the cave drawings.

Ekwesh explains that his homeworld was once covered in rolling, grassy plains. However, the great floods came and they were forced to leave their world. In their rush, they left behind the Story Stone. The floods kept them from returning. Since the storms have recently begun to fade, Ekwesh explains that his people sent him to retrieve the stone. Kallisto adds that Ishbul asked her to help him. Solay says that they know that it is not right to take things that belong to someone else but that they didn't know that there were any Tharnakans left. She believed that they had all disappeared while OG-LC apologizes, saying they were trying to keep it safe. Ekwesh accepts their apology.

Tooba's betrayal

Kallisto interrupts them, warning that the storm is passing and that they need to get back to her ship. However, Jinx steals the Story Stone and escapes on his speeder bike. Before leaving, he tells the others that he plans to make money selling the Story Stone. As he speeds away, Kallisto warns the others that Jinx is going to escape offworld with the Story Stone aboard her ship. OG-LC fears that the Tharnakan people will never get it back. Nubs speaks in Poobian. Brightstar reassures him that they will work together to stop Tooba.

The two groups converge on Jinx with their speeder bikes. Jinx speeds up and leads them through several rocks. Kallisto, who is riding with Brightstar and OG-LC, remark he is fast. Solay rides with Ekwesh and Nubs. She says they are getting closer to Jinx but Ekwesh replies it is not enough. With time running out, Solay convinces OG-LC to use his grappling hook to latch onto Jinx's speeder. OG-LC says he has trouble aiming but Solay offers to use the Force to help him. When he fires, she and her fellow Jedi use the Force to latch onto the rear of Jinx's speeder.

Ekwesh slams on the breaks, causing Tooba to fall out of his speeder. Jinx lands on his belly and attempts to flee to Kallisto's ship with the Story Stone in a pouch. However, Kallisto catches up with him and she engages in a tussle. Jinx knocks her to the ground and approaches the gangplank. He is blocked by Ekwesh while OG-LC retrieves the Story Stone. The three Jedi younglings draw their lightsabers. Tooba tries to convince his associates that they could sell the Story Stone and split the fortune. Ekwesh counters that the Story Stone is sacred to his people because it tells their story. He says it is far more important than money while Kallisto handcuffs Tooba. She gives the young Jedi and OG-LC a ride back to their ship.

Old and new friends

After Kallisto drops the Jedi and OG-LC at their ship, the droid issues a second apology. Ekwesh says that his people will be happy to have the Story Stone back thanks to him. OG-LC says that while his mission was to recover the Story Stone, he accepts that he must change his priorities when he discovers something new. OG-LC says that he is excited to make a new Tharnakan friend. Brightstar tells Kallisto that he is glad to see her again and thinks that she has abandoned her thieving ways. Kallisto says maybe while Ekwesh promises to tell his people the story of a brave droid, a good friend "Kallisto" and the Jedi who helped him to return the Story Stone to his people. OG-LC that would be a great honor to meet his people, which Ekwesh accepts.









