The Life

The Life was the middle level of Vergesso Base, and was dedicated to servicing of the crews of starships docked at The Facility level. The Life had off-ship quarters available for rental by starship crews, as well as shops, bars, and entertainment facilities.

Several services were located in The Life, including the intoxicant retailer Happy Spacer run by the Teltior Loeerna, the arms merchant shop run by Wisel, the spice dealer D'ring'my, and the Carosite cyberneticist Doctor Parnath.

The Life also hosted several bars. The Docking Bay was a dive bar run by the Chevin Phrusaani. A rougher bar, the Black Hole, catered to mercenaries and privateers. It was run by the Devaronian Djarri. Norric's was the smallest bar, and was used by the Rebel personnel on Vergesso.

Other services available included sun rooms, agro-pods, holotheaters, and amusements such as Declination, spheroids, and dejarik.
