The Heat Of The Battle

Official description

Obi-Wan and Darth Vader try to stay cool as they battle under the hot twin suns of Tatooine.

Plot summary

On a hot day, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on the desert planet Tatooine. Wiping the sweat off his face, Kenobi looked out and noticed his former apprentice, Darth Vader. Kenobi then stepped on Vader's sand castle of his fortress. Angered, the Dark Lord of the Sith activated his lightsaber and dueled his old master.

The two dueled aggressively with each exchanging blows. But as the fight progressed Kenobi and Vader started to tire due to the heat until both collapsed on the ground. Sometime later, they were both under the shade of a tree to cool down from the binary suns. They then continued their fight but soon after, the two took another break. Both used the force to build water fountains but Vader was unable to drink due to his armor. Jealous, Vader prepared to attack Kenobi, but Kenobi force pushed his helmet off, revealing Vader's scared face. Kenobi offered Vader the drink and the two shook hands.

Afterwards, Vader and Kenobi relaxed and had drinks in the desert. As Vader slept, Kenobi became annoyed with his snoring and put his mask on. But this only made the snoring louder, causing Kenobi too take Vader's drink and throw it at him. Vader woke up angry, and the two went back to their lightsaber duel.






