The Girl and Her Gargantua

Official description

The younglings track an escaped creature.

Befriending Garganchie

Having been given leave by Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna, Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay and Nubs accompany SF-R3 ("Aree") aboard a large freighter to deliver several creatures to . The younglings particularly Solay are delighted to meet the furry creatures, which include a varactyl, bantha, and a Gargantua. Solay befriends the Gargantua, whom she nicknames "Garganchie." Aree thanks the younglings for helping keep the animals calm during a long hyperspace journey. He also notices Solay's affinity with Garganchie, whose species are usually scared of strangers.

After a sensor beeps, Aree informs the Jedi Initiates that they will have to land on a nearby planet to refuel because the weight of the creatures has drained the ship's fuel supplies. Aree's ship lands on a desert planet with red sand. Before disembarking, Solay reassures Garganchie that they will be right back. After they land, two Besalisk siblings named Slaygh and Braygh take an interest in the animal roars emanating from Aree's freighter and decide to check out. Braygh initially thinks it is a but Slaygh says it is a much bigger animal.

Braygh and Slaygh's misadventure

Finding an open door, Braygh and Slaygh explore the ship and take an interest in Garganchie. Braygh greets the creature but the two Besalisk siblings are frightened by its immense size. While panicking, Braygh bumps into Slaygh, who pushes her aside. Braygh accidentally unlock Garganchie's pen and the creature escapes the starship. After arguing who is to blame, the two decide to pursue the Gargantua before it can wreak havoc in their town.

The escaped Gargantua frightens the local civilians, whose cries alert Aree and the younglings. After seeing Garganchie's pen door open, Aree and the younglings realize that the Gargantua has escaped. The two Beslisk siblings said they have seen one but are reluctant to answer Solay's question on how Garganchie escaped. Braygh vows that she and Slaygh will recapture the Gargantua before it hurts someone. While the locals murmur with approval, Aree tries to explain that Gargantuas are friendly and won't hurt a Bifflefly. A Nautolan resident voices his disagreement while Braygh promises to capture the creature. They then jump on a speeder and head off looking for Garganchie.

Finding Garganchie

Aree fears that the Besalisk siblings will frighten or harm Garganchie. Solay resolves to find Garganchie first. When Brightstar asks how they will Garganchie, Solay searches consulting their datapad for information about Gargantuas. She learns Gargantuas are shy and avoid crowds while Aree recalls that they are nocturnal. Brightstar suggests that Garganchie went somewhere dark where he could sleep. Nubs expresses agreement in Poobian. Brightstar recalls that he saw some caves when they landed and believes that the Gargantua might have gone to those caves to sleep. Aree allows the younglings to search for Garganchie while he stays behind to guard the remaining animals on the ship.

While running across the flat plain, the three Jedi younglings call for Garganchie. They use cables to abseil down a canyon which leads into the caves. Whie searching the caves, Nubs finds him sleeping inside a cave. However, the ground that Nubs is standing on crumbles and he falls into the cave. The Beslisk siblings also hear Nubs' cries, so they turned around and head towards Garganchie's cave because they thought the Gargantua was hurting Nubs.

Having also heard Nubs' cries, Brightstar and Solay rush to the cave but are relieved to find Garganchie cuddling Nubs with his massive paws. Nubs explains that he fell and Garganchie caught him while Brightstar translates. Solay reminds her friends that Gargantuas are gentle creatures despite their massive size. Garganchie then picks up the younglings and hugs them.

Saving the town

Shortly later, Braygh and Slaygh arrive to the cave in their speeder, seeking to rescue the younglings. However, one of their landspeeder's engines backfires, scaring Garganchie. The Gargantua, startled, started running back to town. Braygh wants to stop the creature but Solay tells him that Garganchie is harmless. Brightstar says he understands that people are scared of Gargantuas due to their big size but reassures the Besalisk siblings that they are nice. Slaygh convinces her sibling that the children can help them. Braygh agrees but tells them to hurry up. Together, they head back to the town in their speeder.

When Garganchie arrives in the town, everybody starts to panic again. The Gargantua also panics in return and climbs on top of a circular building. The Jedi younglings and the Besalisk siblings arrive soon in their landspeeder. While Braygh still regards Garganchie as a threat, Solay explains that the creature is scared of people's shouts and that he needs silence to calm down. The three Jedi younglings use their Force powers to save a townspeople from being crushed by several crates.

Garganchie continues to walk over buildings and climbs on a tower belonging to a mushroom-shaped tower complex. Braygh and Slaygh grab electrostaffs and climb up the tower in pursuit of Garganchie. Garganchie jumps onto one of the mushroom-shaped platforms. While the Besalisk siblings corner Garganchie, Solay attempts to reason with the siblings. Braygh attacks the Gargantua with his electrostaff, prompting Garganchie to elbow him, causing him to fall off the ledge. Slaygh tries to pull their sister to safety but also ends up falling off the edge.

Garganchie rescues the Besalisk siblings from falling.

Garganchie rescues the Besalisk siblings from falling.

Seeing other beings in danger, Garganchie jumps off the platform and catches the Besalisk siblings with both paws. He manages to land safely, cushioning their fall. Slaygh and Braygh are amazed and curious about why the Gargantua would save them. Solay approaches and Garganchie allows her to climb on him and stand on his shoulder. She explains that Garganchie is a gentle giant despite his scary appearance. Garganchie allows the Besalisk siblings to stroke his head. Slaygh surmises that Garganchie is a gentle sweetheart despite his formidable appearance. Solay addresses the townsfolk, telling them that if everybody stays calm and quiet, they can safely bring Garganchie back to their ship. The townspeople agree to cooperate.


Following the adventure, Brightstar wonders how Garganchie escaped. At Slaygh's prompting, Braygh admits that she accidentally pressed the button that released Gargantua but kept quiet because she was scared of the consequences. After Braygh apologizes for her actions, Slaygh says that they both will repair the damage they caused. Garganchie then hugs the two Besalisk siblings, with Braygh saying that this is the greatest hug she had ever had. The two then said goodbye to Garganchie.

Back aboard the ship, Aree thanks the younglings for bring back Garganchie safely. Solay says that they can now bring the creatures back to their home. The Besalisk siblings say goodbye to Garganchie after weeping. Braygh says they will miss him while Slaygh asks if they can visit him. Aree reassures them that they can visit the Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve anytime. Braygh praises Solay for being a good friend to Garganchie. Later, at the Nature Preserve, Solay and her fellow Jedi bid Garganchie goodbye as he explores his new home.


















