The Elder

"The Elder" was a human male Force-sensitive individual. This individual was speculated by Jedi Master Tajin Crosser to be a former member of the Sith who broke away prior to the Order's destruction. Centuries following the fall of the Sith, he encountered Tajin and his Padawan Dan G'vash on the planet Habo in the Outer Rim Territories. After defeating Dan easily, the dark side adept was killed by Tajin. His last act before he died was to detonate his starship, preventing the Jedi from learning more about him.

Early life

Earlier in his life, The Elder learnt lightsaber combat and some Force powers, such as Force lightning. The Elder fought on various occasions—what he referred to as "when he was much stronger"—and ultimately abandoned his "faction" or teachings.

Duels On Habo

Later in The Elder's life he made his way to Habo where he struck down a Vamga. He then later encountered Dan G'vash in which they both engaged in a duel after Dan attempted to question The Elder with little success. The Elder came out on top, believing to have killed Dan. Hours after The Elder's duel with Dan, Tajin Crosser, Dan's Jedi Master, engaged The Elder in a duel. As the duel progressed, The Elder's second lightsaber was quickly destroyed, leading him to unleash a bolt of Force lightning. Tajin evaded, as he stepped to the side and advanced toward The Elder, before initiating an overhead strike. The Elder, however, blocked Tajin's strike, unleashing Force lightning from the palm of his hand, as he raised his own lightsaber with his other hand to cut him down. Dan, still alive, used the Force to throw his lightsaber towards The Elder, forcing him to abort and deflect the incoming lightsaber. Tajin took advantage of this distraction, retracting his lightsaber blade and stepping to the side before impaling The Elder through the heart, concluding the duel. As The Elder laid dying, he reached into his robes and took hold of a detonator, activating it and destroying his starship, after which his body crumbled to dust.


After the duel Tajin and Dan were left to theorise on who or what The Elder was. Tajin however concluded that he did not win the duel and instead the age of The Elder let him down causing him loose the duel. Tajin believed had The Elder been in his prime the results of the duel could have been very different.

Personality and traits

The Elder showcases his Force lightning and one of his lightsabers.

The Elder showcases his Force lightning and one of his lightsabers.

The dark side adept was a confident and intimidating old man. He saw himself above his late fellow Sith Order members whom he believed too consumed by their own lust for power that they forgot their true destiny and destroying themselves in the process.

Powers and abilities

The Elder was skilled in both the Force and lightsaber combat, preferring lightsaber combat over Force techniques. He would use the Force as a last resort, and to assist him during his lightsaber duels. Tajin Crosser concluded after their duel that, had the Elder been in his prime, the results of their duel could have been much different. Force lightning was his go-to Force ability, being extremely skilled with the technique, being capable to cause small explosions upon impact, halt a lightsaber swing, and use Force lightning as a way of blocking lightsaber strikes when needed.

Behind the scenes

The Elder appeared in "The Elder," a short film in the Star Wars: Visions series. The Elder is voiced by in Japanese and James Hong in English. The Elder is modelled after the swordsman, philosopher, writer, strategist and ronin, Miyamoto Musashi. Just like Musashi during his days as a ronin, the Elder is a wanderer, looking for opponents to test his skills and wields two swords.







